
The AgentOperations class provides various operations for interacting with agents, managing chat history, and retrieving agent responses within the platform. It handles authentication, validation, and error responses for simplified integration.

Prerequisite - To get started, ensure your python environment has the developer library correctly installed Installation Guide.


To initialize the AgentOperations class, you need a Config object containing the authentication details.

from weavaidev import Config
from weavaidev.agents import AgentOperations

config = Config(auth_token="eyJhbGci....",env="")
agent_operations = AgentOperations(config=config)
  • Parameters:
    • config: A Config object containing the base configuration and authentication token.

Method Summary

  1. get_all_agents: Retrieves all available agent types.
  2. get_agent_response: Fetches an agent’s response based on user input.
  3. get_agent: Fetches configuration about a particular agent

Method Details

1. get_all_agents

Fetches all available agent configurations from the system.

  • Parameters:
    • None.
  • Returns:
    • AgentConfigurations: A response object containing a list of available agent configurations.
  • Raises:
    • AgentServiceException for authentication issues (status code 401) or other errors during retrieval.
  • Usage:

      agent_configurations = agent_operations.get_all_agents()

2. get_agent_response

Retrieves a response from a specific agent based on user input, specified agent ID, and other parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • user_input (str): The user input for which the agent provides a response.
    • chat_id (str): Unique identifier for the chat session.
    • agent_id (str): The unique identifier of the agent for generating the response.
    • stream (bool): Indicates if the response should be streamed. Default is False.
  • Returns:
    • List[GetAgentResponse]: A list of responses from the agent parsed from server-sent events (SSE).
  • Raises:
    • AgentServiceException for authentication issues (status code 401), validation errors (status code 422), or other general API errors.
  • Usage:

      response = agent_operations.get_agent_response(user_input="Hello", chat_id="chat123", agent_id="<agent_id>")

3. get_agent

Fetches the configuration details for a specified agent based on its unique identifier.

  • Parameters:
    • agent_id (str): The unique identifier of the agent whose configuration details are to be retrieved.
  • Returns:
    • AgentConfiguration: An instance containing the agent’s configuration details.
  • Raises:
    • AgentServiceException for authentication failure (status code 401), if the agent ID is not found (status code 404), or other errors.
  • Usage:

      agent_details = agent_operations.get_agent(agent_id="agent123")

Exception Handling

All methods in the AgentOperations class may raise an AgentServiceException if:

  • Authentication fails (status code 401).
  • Validation issues arise (status code 422).
  • The requested agent or agent configuration is not found (status code 404).
  • Any other unexpected error occurs.