
Learn how to manage, run, and monitor workflows on the platform. This guide provides insights into creating, executing, and troubleshooting workflows for document processing.


The Workflows section allows users to automate document processing tasks on the platform. Workflows define a sequence of steps to extract, process, and analyze document data. This guide details operations such as retrieving workflow lists, running workflows, monitoring their statuses, and re-running or skipping steps for enhanced flexibility.

Prerequisite - To get started, ensure your environment is properly configured by following the Setup Guide.

Get all workflows

Get a list of all workflows that are present on the platform.

 python3 workflows/ --show_internal_steps false


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
show_internal_steps Set to true to show detailed internal steps of the workflowx Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True



Get Single workflow

Get all the steps that are present inside a particular workflow.

python3 workflows/ --workflow_name dagtasktest --show_internal_steps false


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
show_internal_steps Set to true to show detailed internal steps Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
workflow_name The name of the workflow to be fetched Required String



Run Workflow

Run a particular workflow for a document. The name of the workflow can be obtained from name field in the Get all workflows API response demonstrated above.

python3 workflows/ --doc_id 66e0fba3089fbd21c4dd80c3 --workflow_name dagtest --data "{\"form_id\":\"66fe5c58b1d0dfb13c9975f3\"}"


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
workflow_name Name of the workflow to be run Required  
doc_id Document for which the workflow has to be run Required  
data Any extra parameters that are required by the worflow Optional Stringified JSON



Get Workflow status

Upon running a workflow, check the status of the run.

python3 workflows/ --workflow_id "dagtasktest" --workflow_run_id "66e0fba3089fbd21c4dd80c3_3df1b127-9ea5-4714-9bf5-b1a5653859f6"


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
show_internal_steps Set to true to show detailed internal steps Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
workflow_id Document identifier for which the workflow has to be run Required  
workflow_run_id The run ID of the workflow Required  


    "document_id": "66fe1752927ce8c0ebda42b9",
    "end_date": datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 3, 4, 23, 42, 58430, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC)),
    "start_date": datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 3, 4, 14, 45, 30553, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC)),
    "status": "failed",
    "tasks": [
            "end_date": datetime.datetime(
                2024, 10, 3, 4, 20, 4, 293969, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC)
            "failed_task_ids": [-1],
            "name": "set_processing_to_in_state__1",
            "start_date": datetime.datetime(
                2024, 10, 3, 4, 20, 4, 293969, tzinfo=TzInfo(UTC)
            "status": "failed",
            "task_status_summary": {
                "failed": 1,
                "queued": 0,
                "running": 0,
                "skipped": 0,
                "success": 0,

Rerun workflow

If a workflow has already run before, re-run the workflow as per requirements

python3 workflows/ --doc_id 66df87ec2b1edfc0dc3b556f --workflow_name "dagtest"


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
workflow_name Name of the workflow to be run Required  
doc_id Document for which the workflow has to be run Required  
data Any extra parameters that are required by the worflow Optional Stringified JSON



Skip steps in a workflow

Allow the workflow to skip any steps that are present in the workflow.

python3 workflows/ --workflow_name "dagtest" --tasks task_1 task_2


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
workflow_name Name of the workflow to be run Required  
tasks A list of tasks to be skipped Required Strings seperated by spaces (Example —tasks task_1 task_2

Get Workflow Runs For Document

Fetches all the workflows runs for a particular document.

python3 workflows/ --doc_id 66df87ec2b1edfc0dc3b556f --state "success" --query "ANNUAL REPORT" --skip 0 --limit 1


Parameter Description Required/Optional
doc_id Document for which the workflow has to be fetched Required
state State of workflow Optional
query This string is matched with workflow and document name Optional
skip Number of workflows to skip Optional
limit Max fetch size Optional

