
Learn how to create, manage, and analyze form definitions on the platform. This guide covers creating forms, updating definitions, filtering instances, and running analytics for efficient document processing.


The Forms section enables users to define, manage, and analyze form structures on the platform. By setting up form definitions, users can extract structured data, run analytics, and streamline workflows with customizable fields and parameters. This guide provides detailed instructions for creating forms, filtering instances, and executing analytics on extracted data.

Prerequisite - To get started, ensure your environment is properly configured by following the Setup Guide.

#Create form

Creating a form definition. A form definition is required before running process_form workflow.

python3 documents/forms/ --name "new form" --category "new" --description "test" --is_shared true --is_searchable true --fields "[{\n  \"name\": \"MICROSOFT FORM\",\n  \"description\": \"A form for microsoft\",\n  \"category\": \"ANNUAL REPORT\",\n  \"fields\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"Cost of revenue\",\n      \"field_type\": \"Number\",\n      \"is_array\": false,\n      \"fill_by_search\": false,\n      \"description\": \"Extract cost of revenue\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"is_searchable\": false,\n  \"is_shared\": false\n}]"


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
name The form name Required  
category A category name for the form Required  
description The description of the form Required  
is_shared A flag to decide sharing permissions Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
is_searchable A flag to decide visibility Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
fields Form fields Optional Stringified JSON

Format for fields

  "name": "str",
  "description": "str",
  "category": "str",
  "fields": [
      "name": "str",
      "field_type": "Number",
      "is_array": boolean,
      "fill_by_search": boolean,
      "description": "str"
  "is_searchable": boolean,
  "is_shared": boolean

## Example stringified version for CLI

"[{\n  \"name\": \"MICROSOFT FORM\",\n  \"description\": \"A form for microsoft\",\n  \"category\": \"ANNUAL REPORT\",\n  \"fields\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"Cost of revenue\",\n      \"field_type\": \"Number\",\n      \"is_array\": false,\n      \"fill_by_search\": false,\n      \"description\": \"Extract cost of revenue\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"is_searchable\": false,\n  \"is_shared\": false\n}]"
Key Description Required/Optional Allowed values
name Name of the Entity Required  
field_type The data type of the entity Required “Number”, “Date”, “Text”, “Table”
description A short instruction to the prompt about the field Optional  
is_array If it’s an entity with multiple values Optional (default: False) True, False
fill_by_search Use internet search to fill this information Optional (default: False True, False


   "created_at":datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 25, 20, 12, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
         "description":"Net Sales for the quarter",
         "name":"Net Sales"
   "name":"new form",

#Delete Form definition

Deleting a form definition. The user is prompted to reconfirm the deletion.

python3 documents/forms/ --form_id 66ea66d547fff0950cba17e


Parameter Description Required/Optional
form_id The unique identifier of the form Required


   "created_at":datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 25, 20, 12, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
         "description":"Net Sales for the quarter",
         "name":"Net Sales"
   "name":"new form",

#Filter form

Search capabilities to retrieve form definitions

python3 documents/forms/ --query "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION" --scope "all_forms"


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
scope The scope of search Required all_forms, my_forms
is_searchable Filter for visibility Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
query When applied, string matches category Optional (default : “”)  



#Get form definitions

Fetching the form definition of a particular form.

python3 documents/forms/ --form_id "66f46e9b70dd6d497d9b8a37


Parameter Description Required/Optional
form_id Form ID Required



#Update form definition

Updating the definition of a form such as name, description, entities and their data etc.

python3 documents/forms/ --form_id 66f46e9b70dd6d497d9b8a37 --name "update" --category "new" --description "Test desc" --is_shared false --is_searchable false


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
form_id Form identifier Required  
name Form name Required  
category Form category Required  
description Form description Optional (default : “”)  
is_shared Filter for sharing permissions Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
is_searchable Filter for visibility Optional (default : False) false, f, False, true, t, True
fields Form fields Optional Stringified JSON

Format for fields

  "name": "str",
  "description": "str",
  "category": "str",
  "fields": [
      "name": "str",
      "field_type": "Number",
      "is_array": boolean,
      "fill_by_search": boolean,
      "description": "str"
  "is_searchable": boolean,
  "is_shared": boolean

## Example stringified version for CLI

"[{\n  \"name\": \"MICROSOFT FORM\",\n  \"description\": \"A form for microsoft\",\n  \"category\": \"ANNUAL REPORT\",\n  \"fields\": [\n    {\n      \"name\": \"Cost of revenue\",\n      \"field_type\": \"Number\",\n      \"is_array\": false,\n      \"fill_by_search\": false,\n      \"description\": \"Extract cost of revenue\"\n    }\n  ],\n  \"is_searchable\": false,\n  \"is_shared\": false\n}]"
Key Description Required/Optional Allowed values
name Name of the Entity Required  
field_type The data type of the entity Required “Number”, “Date”, “Text”, “Table”
description A short instruction to the prompt about the field Optional  
is_array If it’s an entity with multiple values Optional (default: False) True, False
fill_by_search Use internet search to fill this information Optional (default: False True, False



#Filter form instances

A search query for retrieving form instances.

python3 documents/forms/ --scope all_documents --status "DONE" --category "SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION"


| Parameter | Description | Required/Optional | Allowed values | | — | — | — | — | | scope | The scope of search | Required | “all_documents”, “current_document”, “my_documents”, “shared_documents” | | status | Status of workflow | Optional | “NOT_STARTED”, “IN_PROGRESS”, “DONE”, “FAILED” | | category | Category of | Optional | | | query | When applied, string matches category | Optional | | | form_id | Form identifier | Optional | | | doc_id | Document identifier | Optional | | | only_latest | Fetches only latest | Optional (default True) | | | skip | Number of documents to skip | Optional (default 0) | | | limit | Max number of documents | Optional (default 25) | | | all | If set to true, all instances are fetched | Optional (default : False) | |



#Execute form analytics

Running analytics on a form.

python3 documents/forms/ --form_id 66f3d44eeb87303bc52bb9b4 --skip 0 --limit 25


Parameter Description Required/Optional
skip Number of documents to skip Optional (default 0)
limit Total number of documents to consider Optional (default 25)
form_id Form Identifier Required
query This is a mongo pipeline query that is fetched from the Search service. (default: “{\n ‘reason_for_no_pymongo_pipeline’: ‘No user request provided’\n}”) Optional


      "Net Sales",
      "Total sales"
         "Net Sales":[

         "Net Sales":[
         "Total sales":94569.0,


#Download query result

python3 documents/forms/ --form_id 66f3d44eeb87303bc52bb9b4 --download_format "JSON"


Parameter Description Required/Optional Allowed values
form_id Form Identifier Required  
query This is a mongo pipeline query that is fetched from the Search service. (default: “{\n ‘reason_for_no_pymongo_pipeline’: ‘No user request provided’\n}”) Optional  
download_format The format in which the results need to be viewed Optional (default : “JSON”) JSON, CSV


--download_format = "JSON"

{'docs': [{'testEnitity1': '2023-08-03T00:00:00'}]}

--download_format = "CSV"

0  2023-08-03T00:00:00