
The FolderOperations class provides methods for creating, retrieving, and managing folders within the platform. It offers simplified interactions with the API to manage folder resources, handling authentication, validation, and error responses internally.

Prerequisite - To get started, ensure your python environment has the developer library correctly installed Installation Guide.


To initialize the FolderOperations class, you need a Config object containing the necessary configuration details, including the authentication token.

from weavaidev import Config
from weavaidev.folders import FolderOperations

config = Config(auth_token="eyJhbGci....",env="")
folder_ops = FolderOperations(config=config)
  • Parameters:
    • config: A Config object containing the base configuration, including the authentication token.

Method Summary

  1. create_folder: Creates a new folder with specified details.
  2. get_writable_folders: Retrieves folders to which the user has write access.
  3. get_folder_definition: Fetches detailed information about a specific folder.

Method Details

1. create_folder

Creates a new folder with the specified name, category, and description.

  • Parameters:
    • name (str): The name of the folder.
    • category (Optional[str]): The category of the folder. Default is an empty string.
    • description (Optional[str]): The description of the folder. Default is an empty string.
  • Returns:
    • CreateFolderResponse: Contains details about the created folder, including its ID, documents, and workflow.
  • Raises:
    • FolderProcessingException: Raised if the creation request fails due to authentication, validation, or other issues.
  • Usage:

      response = folder_ops.create_folder(name="New Project Folder", category="Project", description="Folder for project documents")

2. get_writable_folders

Fetches a list of folders that the user has write access to.

  • Parameters:
    • None.
  • Returns:
    • WritableFoldersResponse: Contains a list of folders that the user can write to, including their names and IDs.
  • Raises:
    • FolderProcessingException: Raised if authentication fails or if the request fails.
  • Usage:

      writable_folders = folder_ops.get_writable_folders()

3. get_folder_definition

Fetches detailed information about a specific folder, including its documents, workflow, and metadata.

  • Parameters:
    • folder_id (str): The ID of the folder whose details are being fetched.
  • Returns:
    • CreateFolderResponse: Contains the full details of the folder, including its ID, documents, and workflow.
  • Raises:
    • FolderProcessingException: Raised if authentication fails, folder validation fails, or if the folder is not found.
  • Usage:

      folder_details = folder_ops.get_folder_definition(folder_id="folder123")

Exception Handling

All methods in the FolderOperations class may raise a FolderProcessingException if:

  • Authentication fails (status code 401).
  • Validation issues occur (status code 422).
  • The requested resource is not found (status code 404).
  • Any general API error arises during the request.

Example Usage

# Initialize the config and folder operations
config = Config(auth_token="eyJhbGci....",env="")
folder_ops = FolderOperations(config=config)

# Example: Create a folder
create_response = folder_ops.create_folder(name="Research Documents", category="Research", description="Folder for research-related files")

# Example: Retrieve writable folders
writable_folders = folder_ops.get_writable_folders()

# Example: Get folder definition
folder_details = folder_ops.get_folder_definition(folder_id="folder123")

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the FolderOperations class, detailing each method, its parameters, return types, exceptions, and usage examples.